Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Helper Apps - in what form to get started

When the opportunity to create a helper app arises no matter how small the action of it will be the question is in what form should this helper app be made in?

Form meaning through what framework.

In considering a protocol of helper apps the first step could always be:

  1. Console app - work out general methods

Beyond that it might be beneficial to bring the general methods into UI. Either for self development or for the benefit of others. Although it can be beneficial to have a console version for low fi sharing.
  1. WPF - is there a benefit to a UI?
  2. WCF - is there an advantage to the practice of the web?
And then question arises for the .net developer if having the app in another language would be beneficial for continual learning?

So is it better to have a working console app and then copy it into another language so to have those comparisons available? Or is it better to just start in another language?

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